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Are facial wrinkles an issue? Read our guide to discover all types of wrinkles, their causes and how to eliminate them permanently.

Wrinkles are an aesthetic issue that begins very early on. Indeed, small fine lines (so-called expression lines) begin to appear on the face as early as around 20-25 years of age. It is, however, from the age of thirty, and to an increasing extent, that wrinkles become progressively deeper and more evident.

But saying wrinkles is not enough. These lines or folds on the skin can vary greatly in terms of location, depth and underlying causes, and understanding the different types is essential in determining the most suitable anti-wrinkle face treatments.

The aim of this article is to provide a comprehensive guide to the different types of face wrinkles and the remedies to eliminate them permanently.

In particular, we will see the following:

What kind of wrinkles appear on the face?

Before going into detail on the different types of face wrinkles, we should make some general remarks on the underlying causes.

The main cause of the appearance and worsening of deep face wrinkles is undoubtedly linked to the physiological ageing process – a natural and inevitable phenomenon that affects everyone in the course of time.

As the years go by, skin cells decrease their activity and undergo changes that cause a loss of elasticity, hydration, firmness and volume, and wrinkles form.

In particular, with advancing age, the skin ages because:

  • The body production of collagen and elastin decreases. Those two proteins give the skin elasticity and structure, making it more prone to wrinkles and loss of firmness.
  • The quantity of hyaluronic acid (HA) produced by fibroblasts decreases. A molecule naturally present in our body that gives the skin strength, hydration, firmness and helps it maintain its natural shape.

It is no coincidence that, although there are differences between hyaluronic acid and collagen, they are two of the most commonly used substances in aesthetic medicine.

1. Forehead wrinkles

Forehead wrinkles are some of the first face lines. They appear as lines that extend horizontally across the forehead and can vary in depth and length from fine lines to furrows that become deeper with age.

Applying of creams or serums containing ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, retinol or peptides can help improve the appearance of these wrinkles. These products moisturise the skin, stimulate collagen production and improve skin texture.

Face wrinkles: a complete guide

When forehead wrinkles become more pronounced, aesthetic medicine can be used to eliminate them. Some of the most effective remedies for forehead wrinkles include hyaluronic acid fillers, which are injected through very fine needles into the lines to fill in the wrinkles and restore the original volume.

2. Glabellar wrinkles

Glabellar wrinkles are another type of forehead wrinkle, also known as ‘glabellar furrows’ or ‘glabellar lines’. These are vertical lines that develop between the eyebrows, in the region of the forehead called the ‘glabella’.

They are also referred to as ‘thinker’s wrinkles’, because their onset is linked to repeated facial expressions and contraction of the muscles located in this area when frowning (the typical expression of someone who thinks or worries excessively).

With ageing and the loss of collagen and hyaluronic acid, the skin loses its natural elasticity and its ability to return neutral, after being folded or contracted. Glabellar wrinkles will therefore appear deeper and more evident.

Face wrinkles: glabellar wrinkles

Again, the characteristics and properties of hyaluronic acid make it one of the most popular aesthetic treatments to correct glabellar wrinkles.

3. Crow’s feet

Crow’s feet’ is a colloquial term used to describe a type of wrinkle or fold that develops in the eye area, particularly in the outer corners. They derive their name because they look like chicken legs.

This is probably the type of face wrinkle most associated with the idea of ageing.

They belong to the category of periocular wrinkles that we will see in a moment, but are characterised by their development mainly at the outer corners of the eyes, extending horizontally towards the temples.

Face wrinkles: crow's feet

They are often most evident when smiling or making eye-related facial movements.

And, just as hollowed-out dark circles, they give the face an old and tired look.

4. Periocular wrinkles

The term ‘periocular wrinkles’ refers to face lines that develop around the eyes.

Like all imperfections affecting this area, they can become a real problem. The eyes are one of the most important features of the face, as they can communicate even before words.

This type of wrinkles can appear even at a young age, because the area around the eyes is constantly stressed by facial expressions and the skin around the eyes is particularly delicate and thin.

Face wrinkles: periocular wrinkles

For this very reason, special attention must be paid to the choice of anti-wrinkle face treatments for the eye area. The risks of contraindications and side effects of hyaluronic acid, being a substance that is naturally present in the body, are very low indeed, and related solely to the quality of the filler used and the experience of the aesthetic doctor performing the treatment.

5. Rabbit wrinkles

Rabbit wrinkles extend vertically from the sides to the highest point of the nose.

This definition derives from the fact that, when you curl your nose (e.g. when laughing), these wrinkles become more prominent and similar to the small muscles in a rabbit’s nose when they contract.

Rabbit wrinkles develop mainly due to repeated movement of the facial muscles, particularly the nasal muscle, over the years.

With progressive ageing and loss of skin elasticity, those face wrinkle become more and more evident, making the person look older, and giving an air of severity or tiredness.

Face wrinkles: a complete guide

Due to the effects of hyaluronic acid on the face, HA-based fillers are also effective in correcting rabbit wrinkles, giving a naturally younger and fresher appearance.

6. Nasolabial wrinkles

Nasolabial wrinkles, commonly known as ‘smile lines’, belong to the category of expression lines.

These lines generally start at the base of the nostrils and extend vertically to the corners of the mouth, following the path of the contracting facial muscles when speaking, getting angry or smiling.

Muscle contractions, repeated over time, contribute to the onset of nasolabial wrinkles, an imperfection that can appear even in young individuals due to continuous muscle activity.

Face wrinkles: a complete guide

With advancing age, however, several factors contribute to the aggravation of these face wrinkles. These certainly include smoking, one of the main causes, along with skin ageing of the bar code on the lips.

7. Chin wrinkles

Chin wrinkles start at the edge of the lips and move towards the chin. At the root of their formation is skin ageing.

The dermis, i.e. the layer of connective tissue located beneath the epidermis, contains fibroblasts responsible for the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid, substances that, as we have seen, keep the skin toned and elastic.

With advancing age, fibroblasts decrease their production, causing an inevitable loss of skin support, while gravity causes the skin to begin to sag downwards. The result is a relaxed and sagging appearance.

Face wrinkles: a complete guide

Hyaluronic acid proves to be among the most effective treatments for sagging facial skin, as in the case of chin wrinkles. Thanks to its extraordinary moisturising properties, HA not only brings volume to the area, but also stimulates collagen production. The result is a tightened, smoothed and reshaped skin with greatly improved appearance.

8. Neck wrinkles

Also called ‘rings of Venus’, wrinkles on the neck are a visible sign of passing time.

Often, despite the fact that some individuals have resorted to facelifts or other cosmetic surgery to eliminate wrinkles, it is their neck that betrays their biological age.

The skin in the neck area is very thin and fragile, similar to that around the eyes. Moreover, the skin barrier of the neck is weaker and the skin produces less lipid, which makes this area particularly vulnerable to the onset of deeper wrinkles than the face.

Face wrinkles: a complete guide

Neck lines and wrinkles can also be the result of repetitive movements, such as when we bend our neck downwards.

The best hyaluronic acid fillers have varying densities depending on the area to be treated and the imperfection to be corrected, and it is the aesthetic doctor who chooses the right degree of cross-linking for neck wrinkles.

How to eliminate face wrinkles?

Having examined the different types of face wrinkles, let’s see how to eliminate them.

The basic premise is to only consult a doctor specialised in aesthetic medicine, who will be able to suggest the most suitable treatments.

Indeed, the solutions for treating wrinkles provided by aesthetic are manifold. In particular, botox and hyaluronic acid are among the most widely used substances against ageing-related imperfections.

However, botulinum toxin can only be used for certain types of expression wrinkles and presents risks and desired effects, in addition to sometimes creating an unpleasant ‘plastic’ effect.

On the other hand, the use of hyaluronic acid fillers – which we have mentioned several times in this guide – has countless advantages:

  • It is a non-invasive and safe procedure. Being a molecule naturally present in the body, as a rule, HA is well tolerated. A top-quality filler applied by an experienced doctor will cause, at most, slight post-filler swelling that will disappear within a few days.
  • It guarantees immediate and long-lasting results (6 to 12 months depending on the individual response, the quality of the target and the doctor’s skill).
  • It acts on collagen production, thereby improving the skin’s structure.
  • It allows you to achieve extremely natural results.

Lastly, remember that, whatever type of treatment recommended by your aesthetic doctor, do not forget to follow a healthy lifestyle.

A balanced diet, responsible exposure to sunlight, not smoking and keeping stress at bay are indispensable best practices for delaying the appearance of face wrinkles as much as possible, and for maintaining the results of treatments.

Face wrinkles: a complete guide

Foliage is the result of 20 years' experience of Phitogen Beauty Labs - a leading group in the production of hyaluronic acid-based injectables. Foliage distributes a complete range of high-performing intradermal products.

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