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There are many individuals, both women and men, who would like to improve their appearance and, in particular, correct facial imperfections that undermine their self-esteem and self-confidence.

Some of the most popular, most effective and least invasive treatments include hyaluronic acid fillers, which are injected into the area to be treated almost painlessly using very fine needles.

Despite the fact that it is a non-invasive outpatient treatment and a far cry from cosmetic surgery, the fear of post-filler side effects is a cause for concern for many individuals, which could lead them to give up or undergo it without the necessary serenity.

Therefore, adequate and correct information is essential to make an informed decision.

The first fundamental thing to know is that hyaluronic acid fillers are not dangerous to health per se, as long as doctors specialised in aesthetic medicine who use only quality products perform them.

In this case, the only side effect that could occur is a slight, momentary swelling after the filler.

“Could” because, with the best and correctly administered fillers, the risks of this effect occurring are very low indeed.

In this article we will look at the causes and remedies of post-filler swelling and find out what best practices can be adopted to minimise the chances of its occurrence.

In particular, we will look at the following:

Post-filler swelling: causes and remedies

How long does the swelling last after the filler?

Before going over the possible side effects of hyaluronic acid fillers and, more importantly, why and in which cases they occur, it is important to make a brief introduction to what hyaluronic acid (HA) is.

It is a molecule (specifically, a high molecular weight polysaccharide from the glycosaminoglycan group) naturally present in our body.

It is found in cartilage, joints and dermis and its function is to moisturise and protect connective tissues.

In particular, hyaluronic acid plays a fundamental role for the skin and makes an important contribution to keeping it young, toned and firm.

With the physiological ageing process, the body’s share of HA decreases and, as its supporting function is lost, the skin loses hydration, tone, volume and wrinkles appear on the face.

This premise was necessary to explain that, as a substance naturally present in our bodies, hyaluronic acid is not in itself harmful to health.

HA produced industrially from bacterial cultures, which is used in aesthetic medicine in the form of a transparent gelatin injected into the patient’s dermis for the correction of many imperfections and is, as a rule, very well tolerated by the body as well as being completely reabsorbable, is no different.

What makes the difference, as we have already mentioned, is the quality of the product used and the professionalism and competence of those performing the treatment.

Foliage fillers by Phitogen, for  example, are based on pure hyaluronic acid of non-animal origin, 100% Made in Italy and produced by fermentation from streptococcus equi.

Furthermore, the patented 2CORE Technology used to processed them, allows obtaining fillers with less chemical cross-linking agents (BDDE) and thus are particularly malleable, homogeneous and integrable with skin tissue.

This allows:

  • On the one hand, to minimise the risks of side effects
  • On the other, to achieve extremely natural results, in line with a new concept of beauty that completely abandons artificial models and plastic effects

Using this type of injection, the only side effects that might occur are a slight post-filler swelling in the area where the treatment was performed.

This does not necessarily occur in all individuals and, in any case, we are talking about minor symptoms that will disappear spontaneously within 24-48 hours.

What should be avoided after a filler treatment?

However, those who want to resort to fillers to improve their appearance and benefit from the effects of hyaluronic acid on the face must follow some basic precautions to avoid or limit post-filler swelling as much as possible (as your aesthetic medicine specialist will no doubt suggest).

These include:

  1. Avoiding exposure to sunlight and, more generally, exposing the affected area to excessive heat for the first 2-3 days after treatment
  2. Avoiding excessive cold
  3. If the treatment has been carried out to enlarge the lips, avoid hot or spicy food or drinks
  4. No physical activity for a few days, as it causes vasodilation which is not recommended post-treatment
  5. No make-up on treated areas
  6. Avoid lying down immediately to avoid increased blood pressure on the affected area, which would worsen the swelling

These are simple, time-limited measures that do not interfere with the immediate resumption of usual life habits, but make a difference on the appearance of post-filler swelling.

Post-filler swelling: causes and remedies

How to reduce post-filler swelling?

Whether it is post-filler swelling of the lips, nose, eyes or any other treated part, the remedies to reduce post-filler swelling are very simple:

  • Apply ice, although never directly on the part. Instead, use a handkerchief or, better still, sterile gauze for five minutes and repeat the application several times.
  • The first night, use a few extra pillows to keep your head up and avoid blood flow to the treated areas.

Obviously, if the situation does not improve within a few days or if the post-filler swelling is excessive, it is best to contact the doctor who performed the treatment.

When not to get a filler treatment?

Although, as we have said, choosing the best hyaluronic acid filler (which, we remind you, must be performed by a doctor specialising in aesthetic medicine) makes fillers extremely safe and well-tolerated by the body, it is good to know that there are particular situations in which resorting to this type of treatment is inadvisable and it is, therefore, essential to communicate them to the specialist before proceeding:

  • Pregnancy and breastfeeding
  • Allergies to the excipients in the filler
  • History of allergies
  • Blood coagulation diseases that can lead to haemorrhagic episodes
  • Auto-immune diseases (such as rheumatoid arthritis and Crohn’s disease)
  • Skin diseases
  • Heart disease
  • Eczema and herpes

Another thing not to be forgotten is to inform your doctor if you are taking any medication. They will determine whether these can in any way interfere and make the treatment risky.

Lastly, the presence of previous fillers, even if dating back a long time, should definitely be reported to the specialist. This information is all the more important when the previous treatment was based on permanent and, therefore, non-resorbable fillers.

Hyaluronic acid filler: how to do it safely

From what we have just seen, it emerges that, with the proper precautions, the risk of side effects of using hyaluronic acid injections is very low and that post-filler swelling, should it occur, will be minor and tend to disappear rapidly within a few days.

Let us summarise the fundamental points to bear in mind in order to perform the treatment safely and with the guarantee of obtaining the desired results:

  1. Only consult doctors specialised in aesthetic medicine. A serious and qualified professional will be able to administer and choose a quality filler specific to the imperfection to be corrected.

Many top professionals use, for example, Foliage injectables by Phitogen for the high quality standards of the raw material used.

  1. Communicate all information about your health status and medication intake to your doctor .
  2. Strictly follow the instructions given by the specialist regarding behaviour to be avoided immediately after treatment.

Last but not least, check that the surgeon uses a sealed ampoule and to ask to see the label of the product used as a guarantee of its quality and integrity.

Post-filler swelling: causes and remedies

Foliage is the result of 20 years' experience of Phitogen Beauty Labs - a leading group in the production of hyaluronic acid-based injectables. Foliage distributes a complete range of high-performing intradermal products.

Via Valtellina, 21
San Benedetto del Tronto (AP)
63074 – Italy

+39 0735 762020